
Saturday, January 28, 2012

How am I going to pay?

What a Saturday! I forgot  that with unemployment comes no health insurance! I have the option to use Cobra insurance but have not gotten that started yet. So imagine my surprise and disappointment when I went to pickup my hormone medicine this morning! $99 !!! Yikes! Justin told me he would rather pay $99 than put up with my bitchin' :-O
Thanks to everyone who commented on the christening dress and bonnet. Here are two blocks of the blanket.....

The ribbon is only to mark the first block. I have to make 30 blocks joining as I go. Hope you have a great weekend!



  1. you go is you qualify for any assistance from the State you live in...based on the # of people and income you could give that a try...somebody told me, well I read it in a blog..evening primrose helps with "pause".....I'll have to find the post.../blog..Marmee's perhaps?
    herbal rememdies...going to do that myself...


    here is the was Maree..

  3. Thank you for your nice and lovely comment. I'm so sory to hear that you have to pay so much for your hormone medicine!

  4. I like those blocks, although I'm not sure I would use them in a blanket, a little too lacy for my tastes. Hope you can your insurance needs sorted, but it kinda makes me glad I live in a country that gives unemployed and pensioners cheap meds.

  5. wow..there are some drug companies out there that will give you a break on the cost..find out who your meds are made by, and contact them. And some stores have a plan that will help does, walgreens does..I don't think cvs does you pay like a fee and it reduces your cost. Also if your town has a free health clinic get in touch with them..they should have someone on hand that can tell you what to do or help you get your meds. I used to work as a social worker in a free medical clinic so I know there should be someone there to help with that.


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