
Thursday, May 31, 2012

School's out for summer!

Today is the last day of school for the kids here in York. My 10 year old grandson, Sloan, graduated from the 4th grade this morning. He won 9 awards including Principal Scholar and Perfect Attendance.

Hard to take good pictures in a gymnasium!
I've started working on a Kaleidoscope afghan using my scraps. This will probably take a while if I run out of scraps!

I pick the colors by 'blindly' reaching for a ball of yarn. After I use that color, it goes into another container so I won't use it again until I have to start over. This way the colors are random.
The ringing in my ears has almost disappeared thanks to my chiropractor and massage therapist. I highly recommend that if you have this problem to try both of these treatments. I had almost given up and thought I would have to live with the ringing forever.
Hope you have a great weekend!

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