
Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm bored!

I've been keeping the grandsons this past week while their parents are working. Gavin was bored! I had some wooden puzzles that I had purchased at Michael's and this kept him busy for several hours.

 I've finished 19 rows so far on the Rose Scallop doily. I'm using size 20 thread only because I had 4 balls and didn't want to run out. I'm also making it all white for the first one and will try color on the next one.
Have a great weekend.


  1. What a good thing you had the puzzles on hand and what a marvelous job was done! Bet he had a blast. Your doily is beautiful, can't wait to see the finished product. Doing another one after this you say, you do crochet quickly. Happy weekend.

  2. wow..those are awesome puzzles..I will have to keep my eye open and find some for my grandkids..they love that kind of stuff..Michaels hum..a trip worth making. Doily is looking good..where did you find that pattern?..Blessings

  3. Those puzzles are cool and your doily is beautiful! What patience you must have. Have a great weekend!

  4. I love those puzzles. Your doily is turning into a very pretty one.

  5. Hi Charlotte - I passed on an award to your blog. If you participate in the award games, you can come to my blog to get it. :)


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