
Sunday, July 22, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

Thanks to Debi for nominating me for this award.

7 things about me.....
  1. I love chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream even though I know I shouldn't! 
  2. I would rather wear a pair of jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers than a dress and high heels.
  3. I don't wear makeup. 
  4. I taught myself to crochet 40 years ago by following the instructions from a Woman's Day magazine.
  5. I 'melt' whenever I hear Randy Travis sing 'On the Other Hand' or George Strait sing 'The Chair'. These are the first songs that Justin and I danced to the first night we met.
  6. My favorite store is an antique store.
  7. I can't handle stupid!

Now, I pass this award to some of my favorite reads:
  1. Carmelina at Creative Carmelina
  2. Sonny at 155 Dream Lane
  3. Ann at Bella Crochet
  4. Vikki at By hooks4u
  5. Faith at Crochet by the Sea
  6. Dawn at Fiddlesticks
  7. Linda at Linda Crochets
  8. Keetha at The Eclectic Company
If any of you do not play the awards game- it's OK- just know that I enjoy your blog and your friendship.



  1. How sweet of you..thank you Charlotte..

  2. Thank you so much for thinking of me! I'm so honoured to be on your list along with other fabulous bloggers. You made my day bright!

    Ciao Bella
    Creative Carmelina

  3. Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. Congrats on the award.



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