
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween and Bathroom remodel

 Happy Halloween! Hope you have a lot of little spooks tonight!
We have been wanting to remodel the main bathroom and last night Justin started tearing out the old. This is what the bathroom looked like in August.
 Starting the redo.................... See the small window in the bathtub area? Our home started out as a double-wide and after all of the remodeling, is no longer a double-wide. The new kitchen is now behind the small window.
 I have always loved this wallpaper, but now I'm ready for something different...
 What a mess!
 This is the ugly pattern that was on every wall when we moved in 26 years ago...
 Sink is gone!
I'll be keeping you updated. Have a safe Halloween.


  1. Happy Halloween Charlotte.

    I hope everything goes well for you with the re-model. :)

  2. How exciting! It will be so nice to have it all finished. Can't wait to see.

  3. Good luck with the remodel. Happy hump day. Heather

  4. Happy Halloween to you!
    Hope all is done with your room makeover. Surely it will look great!
    Best wishes,


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