
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday news

First day of December already? Where has the year gone? Yard sales have slowed down so we have been going to craft shows. Pam and I went to a craft show at the Intermediate School (5th and 6th grades) this morning. It was a little disappointing because the crafts looked like senior citizen projects. :-(  I talked with a lady and asked to be informed next year so that I could sell some of my work.
I've been busy making Christmas gifts so I can't post any pictures just yet.
Here are my trees this year....

 Isn't this gingerbread man cute?

 My "fireplace" !
Got a pot of vegetable soup going...
Hope you are safe and warm this Saturday.


  1. I love craft shows, but so many are poorly attended, and that's kind of sad. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Charlotte!

  2. Glad you have so pleasantly busy days:) Well,here we get some kind of craft shows as well, but you just need to know where it's happening.
    Liking the New year trees, very sparkly and festive! Have a nice Sunday, Charlotte!

  3. I love a good craft show!! We have quite a few where I live that are well worth going to..

  4. What time's the soup on? I'll be right over. ;-)

  5. I love all your Christmas trees - especially the pink one. :)


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