
Saturday, June 22, 2013 four

Saturday and no yard sales! This is the third Saturday that I haven't gone yard saling! Looking forward to next Saturday!
We drove to The Great Smoky Mountain National Park and took a nature hike....

 ......... there was a man fly fishing............

 Gavin's trying to make a fishing rod..............

I asked Gavin to take a picture of me and Justin but he didn't wait until I stopped talking....
 .........that's better!

 I would have loved to explore these old buildings but there were signs prohibiting me!

 By now, we are all hungry, so we headed to Pigeon Forge. After eating, we did some cruising while checking out the next place we want to visit. We stopped at Jurassic Boat Ride. What fun for not a lot of money!

 Tomorrow evening we are going back to Pigeon Forge. I'm going shopping while the boys ride go-carts and visit the arcade. be continued...........


  1. Looks like great fun - ya'll are going to be worn out by the time you get back home. :)

  2. Nice trip :) I like seeing your pictures and happy faces in them!:)Those dinosaurs look scary!

    Have an enjoyable Sunday as well!

  3. Charlotte,
    thanks so much for stopping by!! I think I have been bitten again by the Yard Sale bug!!

    I have been looking at your last several posts and it looks like all of you had a wonderful time!! Good for you!!



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