
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

She's here!!

Amelia Diane (my namesake) arrived yesterday at 3:20 pm, weighing 9 lbs 15 oz, and 20 inches long!! And a head full of red hair!!!
Her due date was scheduled for October 4th but was changed to September 29th last week and Holly was put on bed rest. When Holly went for an ultrasound yesterday, her blood pressure was up so the C-section was scheduled for later that day.
Isn't she lovely?
Grandma and Amelia....

Big sister Della....

What a lovely family!

Big sister Della and big brother Maxel...

Mom Holly with Della and Maxel....

With all of this great news something had to go wrong. A nurse helping Mother go to the bathroom let her fall and she hit the toilet! She has a fracture and we don't know if she will need surgery! She was supposed to come home today! Hope it's not too bad!


  1. Oh, my goodness, how precious is Miss Amelia?! Love those adorable chubby cheeks! Sorry to hear about your mom...hope she has a speedy recovery.

  2. Congrats to you and your family's!:)
    Sorry about your mom, hope she recovers soon.


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