
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Birds and Octopus!

I've been crocheting some fun patterns lately.
Claude the Octopus from Simply Crochet magazine Issue 46...
 This is an easy pattern but time consuming once you start the tentacles!

More budgies from Crochetspecs....
and a Cardinal from
I don't like his beak but I didn't have any smaller yarn!
What will I make next? Trust me, it will be crochet!



  1. I've got that octopus on my to do list. Yours looks great, I love the colours you chose. Your budgies are wonderful, they look so fun all sitting together

  2. That octopus looks like so much work! Yikes! I really love the birds. I'll have to try those some day. I have several bird cages that I use for decorations and those birds would be perfect for them.


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