Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Too hot to fish, too hot for golf, too hot to yard sale!

Boy, is it hot! 103 degrees today! Maybe that's why we didn't find too many yard sales this morning. I did find a few things. A dragon to add to my Chinese collection .. 50 cents...
Statue of Liberty ... 50 cents..

 Brass bells... 50 cents...
 I'm going to paint the candle holder and either use it with candles or Christmas balls.. $1..
 Books $1 each and yarn 25 cents..
 Paper plates and napkins.. 25 cents apiece....I got 4 sets..
 Exercise ball $1.....After the boys get through playing with it, I might use it to make a chandelier. I have seen  many websites using balls and Mod Podge to make a lamp or chandelier.
 $2 for this plant thingy. I has a spigot to attach a water hose .....

 This is my progress using the sock yarn......
Stay cool and have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

What next?

Thanks for the comments regarding the sock yarn. It is soft and I'm sure it would make a great baby blanket if you can find the right colors. I had completed the third round (or so I thought) and was starting the fourth when I stumbled. Something just didn't look right! Then I discovered I had made pentagons (5 sides) when I should have made hexagons (6 sides)! Aaarrrrggghhh! So after ripping out round 3, I started over and it does look better. :-)

The pentagons can be used on the head or arms or legs (I hope).

The ice maker in our french door refrigerator has been out of commission for about 4 months now. To top it off, it is a discontinued item and we cannot find another! I thought I had found one last week but received an e-mail this morning that is not available. Damn, damn, damn! I'm going to check into a new refrigerator later today. Great! Another bill!

Hope the rest of the day goes better!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hot time, summer in the city...

It's a beautiful morning with the temperature at a reasonable number. But that's going to change soon because they are predicting 100 degree weather! Poor Justin has to work in this heat!
In the 40 years that I have been crocheting I have never used sock yarn. But I am wanting to crochet the Lolo African Flower Bear, so I visited Hobby Lobby and found these on sale.
I was really wanting solid colors but looks like sock yarn is all variegated. The pattern calls for different size hooks, but I am using a size B/1. So far, it's going great.

The colors are funky but I think this will work.
My Easter lily finally bloomed. Beautiful!
 I've used this picture as my desktop wallpaper...
Stay cool!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cinda's Log Cabin is finished

I finished the Log Cabin afghan that I was making for my daughter-in-law's friend, Cinda. It turned out beautiful, don't you think?

Those storm clouds just kept on going towards Rock Hill and bypassed York. Maybe we will get some rain this week.
Hope you have a great Sunday!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Slim Pickins!

Saturday yard sales were few and far between today. It was just my sister, Pam, and I this morning and with the car all to ourselves, we hoped we would fill it up. But it was not meant to be. We only found a few things to bring home. Two Uncle John's Bathroom Readers for $1......
 Paper towel holder 50 cents, glass vase $2, shelf $1, 10 hunting DVDs $7, and a doily for 50 cents..
 I have made this doily before in several colors.
 Two hanging planters and one with feet for $1.50....
 A birdhouse for my flower bed  $1......

But the best deal was found at the trash dump! A man was going to throw these 10 windows away but gave them to me just for asking!!!!! Score!
I don't know just yet what I am going to do with them but I told him he could get at least $25 apiece at a craft show!
I've finished making the blocks for the log Cabin afghan and have joined them. I'll start working on the border tonight.
Looks like a storm is brewing! We could use the rain!
Hope you have a great weekend!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

 I lost my dad almost 9 years ago. He and I shared a birthday and will always have a bond that my sisters and brother will never have. This is my dad and me over 50 years ago!

Hope you have a Happy Father's Day!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday night fun

Just sitting here watching Junk Gypsy on HGTV, reading e-mails, and enjoying my frozen margarita.
 This is the first time I have tried these but it definitely won't be the last!! :-)
Had a great day yard saling. Found some good deals...
Hungry Girl cookbook 50 cents; Cake pops & kitchen sign $1 each

Three DVDs for $2 and two Xbox games for $2; wooden box for 10 cents.

Dinosaur for Sloan and Nutcracker for Micki ...$1 each.

Mary Englebrit chair  and Winnie the Pooh characters ...$1 each.

Wine bottle holder for 50 cents

The parrot was from a Mexican restaurant... $1. Looks great hanging near our pool!

Xmas trees for the front porch...$2.

Another storage container for $2.50....a box of address labels $1. The inchworm is from last week's  yard sales for $5. This will be a Xmas gift for the new grand baby!

Vera Bradley purse for $1.

Here is my latest crochet project. This will be a Log Cabin afghan for my son's friend.
Hope your Saturday was fun!