Garage Sale Sunday!! Sponsored by Debbie at Debbie Doos. Why not visit and enjoy all of the treasures found this weekend? Micki had a yard sale of her own Saturday, so it was just Janet and me venturing out. We found some good sales.... meaning 25 and 50 cent sales! WooHoo! My favorite kind!
This lovely glove was only 25 cents and the birds were 50 cents!
The little mouse painter was 25 cents and all three dogs were the best price of all, FREE!!
A pretty little dish,bowl,'s pretty! 25 cents.
Nevermind that "Bless you Dear" is on this cute mug... 25 cents.
These 4 teacups were 50 cents each. I have seen such crafty pincushions made from teacups on your blogs, so I thought I might try to make some myself. I also found some beadwork to add around the edge for 25 cents.
A 'clam' compact or trinket box for 50 cents.
Don't know exactly what this is... too big for a butter dish, but for $3 it was mine! The lady first said $5 and when I repeated $5 (with a question mark), she came down to $3.
I'm going to paint this birdhouse, add some roses and mushroom birds. 50 cents.
1954 Three Billy Goats Gruff - 25 cents
Finally found a Raggedy Ann - 25 cents! I don't like her dress or apron but I will work on that.
A sweet Bambi purse for my 4 year old niece, Olivia - 25 cents
A yard and a half of fabric for $1. I'm going to use this in some way in the pool dressing rooms.
These three Christmas boxes were 25 cents apiece!!! They unfold and will store flat. Such lucky kids in my house this Christmas!
All three of these Christmas boxes were only 50 cents!!!!! Janet has already asked for her present to be in one of these!
I bought these 'ugly' ornaments just for the box they came in...$1.50.
This bag of huge ornaments fo $1.50. Justin can use them in the yard to decorate.
A darling end table for $3.
I haven't forgotten Holly and her butterflies!
A tea light holder....25 cents
A picture frame.....50 cents.
A butterfly picture...$1 and a sun-catcher for 50 cents.
And the best deal was this throw for $1. The lady said she had just taken it out its bag that morning...never used!
How was your weekend?
Also linking with Rhoda at Southern Hospitality and Thrifty Treasure Monday.

Good morning Charlotte!~ Oh my what a blast from the past between the raggedy ann doll and the Billy goat book!~ You found the cutest little trinkets I tell must have really enjoyed your day!~ I love all your fun finds and I thank you so much for sharing them with us....I know you will enjoy some of the others as well. Have a great day!~
I think you did very well! I sure like those Christmas tree balls. Have you done a search on those yet to see what their value is?
Have a great day!
Ladybug Creek
Wow those are really great deals, I am going to have to get into this a little more. Love the stuff you got, the doll is my favorite!
What sweet treasures you found at garage sales. don't you just love a bargin? Now to visit your friend
wonderful finds. love the doll and if i were near would tag along to find these great items. have a great day. rose
You had great luck at the yard sales! Love it all!! The old book is my favorite!
Wow! You got a lot of great deals! I love those 50 and 25 cent deals the most..though so rare! For old Christmas Ornaments that look really bad, I have brushed glue on them and rolled them around in glitter and they look fabulous again. Just a thought! I love those little birdies you got! Great day for you!
You certainly made out like a bandit! Amazing buys, such pretty items!
Wow, you really scored! I love your Christmas boxes, those are so cute.
You mentioned on my blog that you're using picture frames to hide wires...I'm obsessed with hiding wires and was curious as to how you're doing that!
I took two 10x13 picture frames and the only thing I had at the time to put inside of the frames was purple wrapping paper. Then I just propped them up in front of the wires. I put a couple of my yard sale goodies in front of the frames and there you go! I'll post a picture one day.
Wow~ lots of great finds! I think the covered dish is a cheese box~ very pretty! I love the silvery shiny brites- what a fun idea in the earlier comment, to roll them in glitter! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog!
I know! I know! I know! Teacher - - - call on me - - - I KNOW what your mystery dish is!!!
It is a cheese dish. It is probably old - - - they used them back in the days when my grandparents were children.
I have one - - - it belonged to my great grandmother and it is a TREASURE to me.
You can see my cheese dish here:
Oh - - - and the little shell compact? I saw those in a souvenir shop in FL a while back and they cost a lot more than fifty cents. I loved them, and stood there debating about buying one, but in the end couldn't bring myself to pay the money just to indulge myself.
I so need your 'license tag'!!
Thanks so much for your visit to my blog... love all your finds!!
Wow, you got some great treasures, especially that beautiful cheese dish!
You found some amazing stuff! I love the christmas boxes. This flea market is right off 85 at the BMW exit in Greer called the Barn Yard. It a mixture of things old and new. It's the best one that I don't have to drive to far too. I love the flea market in fletcher, NC but it's a little far away.
I love that end table, you got an amazing tail. The Bambi and book are also incredibly endearing to me. Beautiful artwork on the book cover.
You really got a lot of great things! The prices are excellent. You did very well!
OMG, next to the sales I hit, I'd like to have been at yours! Love the little mouse painter.
I remember the Billy Goats Gruff from when I was younger - great finds!
Hi Charlotte - have to say I love the top of your blog - "Will brake for yard sales" is so my life! I love it! :)
Wow! You really did well. That is a cheese dish - not sure the pattern or maker!
Good job!
Good Morning, Charlotte! You made my day when I read my comments and seen one from you. Thank you! I am drooling over all your great finds! That covered dish is a cheese dish and I always see them very expensive in the antique stores. I even seen one at a 'thrift' store once for $25.00! You did good! I do love to crochet which is how I found your blog. Have a wonderful day! Twyla
Charlotte, You really did score on all the treasures, I once found a butter dish very similar I sold it on E-bay. And for your Camera dilemma Grandson would of won out with me as well! But really you can find something on E-bay. This one we got for $122 but we have seen them range from $199 to $220. So we were pretty stoked! Have a great day. Hugs, Diane in California
That cheese dish at my shop would be in the low 100.00's!! It is amazing!
I am so jealous of your Shiny Brites! I NEVER find them!
Thanks for stopping by!
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