Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday news

Spring break starts next week for the school kids, but Gavin and Sloan talked me into letting them stay home from school Friday. Because I needed to go shoe shopping for them and me, I agreed. We went to the mall in Rock Hill and was able to find them a pair of sneakers, "slides", and socks at the first shoe store. Sticker shock!! Teenage boys are just as bad as teenage girls when it comes to clothes! As for me, I couldn't find a pair that I liked for the wedding! :-(  I think we went to about ten stores! Because of my back and my balance, I can't wear a high heel or flats. Something in between with some comfort. See, I don't ask for much!
This morning, Pam and I went to yard sales. We took Vivien (4) with us because her mama was working and her daddy was helping Pam's hubby work some cows. The church near Pam's home was having a "free yard sale" where everything was free! The only problem was they weren't even set up at 7:00! If you advertise to start at 7:00, what part of that do you not understand?
We headed out of York towards Rock Hill and stumbled upon a community with several houses with yard sales. Good stuff, not junk!
I got this queen-size down comforter for $12................
 A Minnie Mouse doll and two sets of clothes for Della for $5....................
Canape servers in their swimsuits  for $1................
 A 'Boyd Bears" figurine for $1...................................
 Crappy picture, sorry! The lady said this was a remote control holder ($1).....
 .....but I think she meant a cell phone holder because the remote control wouldn't fit....
 And my best buy for $2 was this vintage bird cage complete with a mirror and ladder.....
 I was lucky to find this before Pam because she buys every bird cage she finds.
 This will be cleaned and a plant placed inside of it.
The rain we had Monday really made everything pop out in bloom. Remember this Japanese Maple I posted the other day?
Now look at it....................
The azaleas are starting to bloom...................

 ......................and the dogwood is slowly opening up......

I found an afghan on Ravelry that I had never seen before and after searching for a free pattern, I had to break down and pay for it! I hate that more than anything in the world but I really wanted this pattern. I found the pattern on Craftsy. It's called "Exaggerated Ripple".
I've already completed 23 rows. What do you think?
I'm pooped! I'm going to rest a little and read my e-mail and your blogs. Tomorrow is the wedding and I will have some pictures for you Monday.
Have a great weekend!



Kate said...

You had a busy day :-) Shoe shopping can be a chore, and the prices always shock me. I have the same problem with shoes. I have to have a heel but not a big one, not to mention wide width.
Great finds at the sales! I love the canape servers.
Your blanket looks great so far. Purple's my favorite color, so I'm biased :-)
Enjoy the wedding tomorrow :-)

hooksandyarns said...

Great finds Charlotte - I especially like those canape server ladies. Your afghan is looking great. Have a good day. :)

byhooks4u said...

Everything seems to be expensive to me anymore...I hope you enjoy the wedding. Love the ripple pattern. It is different. Do you still have your etsy shop? and how is it going?

Gramma Rita said...

Great finds, Charlotte! And your afghan is pretty. Love the colors you're using. :)