Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WIP Wednesday

I don't really like making toys but I thought I would make Della a Mickey Mouse doll. Never again!
 The Winnie the Pooh is a "little" easier because the arms, legs, muzzle, and ears are added on with the crocheting of the body.
 Almost there!



hooksandyarns said...

I think Mickey looks adorable - Della will love him for sure. :)

Faith said...

You did a good job for someone who doesn't like to make toys. I have to like what I'm making or I just cant do it. I understand it was a labor of love for that little red headed beauty. I'm sure she was just tickled with it.

Gramma Rita said...

Your toys look great! :) Although I'm with you, making toys isn't my thing. lol

Kim said...

Oh they are both brilliant!! I love them and I'm sure Della will as well.
I knitted some postman pat tots years ago. I'm not sure if there are any pictures of them but I have to say I didn't really enjoy it much.
They were well received though so I guess that's the main thing.
Well done on these!!


Kim said...
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