Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Saturday News

This weather is so crazy! Yesterday it was hot (87 deg) and today it's raining (61 deg) ! Go figure! You don't know how to dress anymore! Yard sales were pitiful yesterday! Pam and Vivien went with me and Janet. Here are my small purchases............. a wooden rhino from Kenya $1........
 ..........crochet pattern book $1 and an egg (75 cents). It's not ceramic but more like marble.....
 ..........small collectibles 25 cents each. See Jack Sparrow, Davey Jones, and Elizabeth? Sloan got the hockey player and Jeff Gordon figures.
 I have one of these somewhere in the 'black hole' in my house but I haven't been able to find it. So, I bought another for $1. These really work!
My best find was this statue (middle). Talked down from $20 to $15! I moved her to beside my front door.
Last yard sale I found this for Justin and the boys..............
The original price was $60 but had been reduced to $30 when we arrived. Got it for $25!
Great news when I visited my friends on Bloglovin, I won a giveaway  at Stitches, scraps and sparkles in the sun. Thanks!
Love the Carrot yarn!


1 comment:

Kate said...

Our weather's been crazy here in Texas, too, Charlotte. You did find some good deals; I like the rhino. Congrats on winning the yarn :-) I'll get that in the mail to you as soon as I can get a ride to the post office. Take care :-)