Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

This is NOT.........

...............the way I wanted to start my Sunday! Forgot to turn clocks ahead!!!!!Woke up thinking it was 7:20, but it was actually 8:20!!!! Daylight savings time sucks!!
Yesterday I got up at 5:30 because Pam and I were going to a couple of yard sales. The first one was a church yard sale. Didn't find much except these mermaid dolls for Della.....
 I'm keeping Tinkerbell and Rapunzel!
The next yard sale was "supposed" to be a neighborhood yard sale. WooHoo! Excited! But not for long, because there was only ONE house participating!!! What the hell?? We even rode through a second time just to be sure!! Nothing!! Damn!!
So, disappointed as we were, we went to a location that we normally would not go. Only because it was way out in the country. But we were so glad we did. It was a benefit for a cancer patient and it was at a church. SCORE!! Great yard sale!
I got this brand new duffel bag for Gavin for $1!
 Two books for 50 cents each.
 Pam found this for Della for 50 cents..............
 OMG, it has kittens!!!!
She found a dog that has puppies for $1!!This yard sale saved the day!
If you know me and my crochet you'll know that I do not like to have more than one project going on at a time. Well, I have three!!
First is Rodney's Steelers afghan............
I put this aside to help Pam finish this wedding ring afghan. She had gotten discouraged with it.
Now, I'm working on a "Mermaid Tail" blanket for Della...
Sloan turned 13 Thursday and had a couple of his friends spend the night yesterday. Here's what's left of his cake........
Justin is progressing with the deck. The rain and snow slowed him down, but yesterday was a beautiful day and today looks the same.
Hope you have a great weekend!



Pammy Sue said...

You still got up before I did! Great finds on your quest this weekend. That's going to be a really nice deck!

Pammy Sue said...

You still got up before I did! Great finds on your quest this weekend. That's going to be a really nice deck!

Shirley said...

Good Morning Charlotte, It will take some getting use to the time change, but I did remember to set my clock forward. We are suppose to get in the 60's today which maybe I can get my hubby outside in some fresh air. I always like seeing what you are working on. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley

byhooks4u said...

Hard to believe an hour, a mere 60 minutes can mess up our internal clocks..I don't even want to eat my meals at the right time..seems too early and I am not hungry...twice a year I gotta go through this..