Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Saturday News

Busy day! Not many yard sales but Janet and I did find a few. Here's my little treasures...
 A rug for $2........
 Legos for $2..............
 Nesting dolls for $1..........
 Two mini gourds and some nails and hooks....FREE!!
 Yarn $5........
 Tablecloth $1............
 Minki fabric $2....I think there is about 2 yards!
 Embroidery kits for Mother $2.................
 I stopped at the Goodwill and found this glass head for $3.99......
We remodeled the laundry room by painting and laying a vinyl floor. I covered the two freezers and extra refrigerator with Contact paper.  Before......


We've got a new baby in the family. My niece had a girl, Madison Grace, Friday. She's so tiny! 5 lbs, 13 oz. and 19 inches!
Our babies are normally larger, weighing from 7 to 10 pounds!
I just have to show you this gorgeous little boy who will one day call me grandma! Maxel Jefferson....
I know I'm prejudice, but this is the cutest thing!
Happy Mother's Day to all!


Kate said...

Great finds, Charlotte :-) And such beautiful babies; of course you're prejudiced! Happy Mother's Day :-)

crochethuahua said...
