Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tiaras and braces

I took a small break from the christening dress to make a couple of tiaras for Della.

Easy peasy.They are made covering a headband. I found two for 88 cents at WalMart.
Sloan had an appointment at the orthodontist this morning. He is doing so well with his spacer that he will get braces in five weeks. I'm so proud of how well he has done.
We got a little rain last night but we need more. Everything is dry and dead!
Almost through with the dress part of the christening dress. This is going to be a beautiful dress.


hooksandyarns said...

The tiara headbands are really cute. I bet Della looks adorable wearing them. :)

Kate said...

Too cute, Charlotte! I love the one with the beads. Looking forward to seeing the princess in her tiara.

Gramma Rita said...

Cute tiaras! Looking forward to seeing Miss Della wearing them. :)