Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Saturday News

The weather is turning cool this weekend so Justin and I slept in. Around 10, he asked if I wanted to ride with him to go buy some new shoes. Why sure! So after we bought his shoes, we stopped at a yard sale near the shopping center. There was two homes next to each other having the yard sales. We found some Nike shoes for Gavin...
I found this Avon bottle..
I tried to not show my excitement when I found these two horses among some Barbie dolls. These are NOT Barbie horses but they are the horses that belong to the Johnny West action figures from 1965! Thunderbolt and Flame! $1 each! My brother used to play with Johnny West!
Thunderbolt (the one on the left) has the Marx Toy stamp.

I checked on EBay and these sell for various prices, but a dollar sounds like a winner to me!
Next door, Justin found two kids life jackets....
...and this thing (sub-woofer?) for Gavin....
and this stereo for Sloan $5

We found a couple more yard sales on the way home. This Carhartt jacket was originally $20 but Justin got it for $10!!

 This chest of drawers was also $10....
 Two hats for my great-grandsons for $1....
 I paid $2 for these crochet doilies.
What a great Saturday!



hooksandyarns said...

Great stuff - my favorite is the chest of drawers. :)

Gramma Rita said...

Wow! You and Justin found some great things!! $10 for a Carhartt...sure can't beat that! And yes, I'd say a dollar each for those horses sounds like a great deal! :)

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

That was a steal for the carhartt jacket - those go for over $ 80.00 new I think.