Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday news

Grammar Police!! I cannot stand to see a misspelled word!! Look at this sign in a local thrift store...
You are ACCEPTING credit cards, NOT EXCEPTING!!!!! It was all I could do not to point out this error to the saleslady!
We're having more rain in SC today. Please pray for everyone in the lower part of the state. Luckily, I live closer to the NC state line and all we got was rain.
I stopped at a couple of yard sales this morning, but only one was worth stopping for. This lady was a quilter and had great prices. She had this baby quilt already with batting, back, and pinned together, ready to be quilted. Fifty cents!!!! Mother will finish for me,.
 FREE!!! A Kaye Wood template!!
 Picture frames for 50 cents each and the smaller one for 25 cents! I love the picture in the small frame.....
 .....so I put her beside my "girls".
I enjoyed talking to this lady and her husband. She had an old crib (at least 50 years old) for $5. It even had the decal still on it that cribs had years ago. I told her she should make a bench out of it. She thanked me for giving her a great idea. I still have the crib Mother used for all of us kids and I think I'll make a bench with it also.
The last stop was another local thrift store. Pam and I had visited earlier in the week and I saw this sweet dog but didn't buy. Pam bought one just like it except hers was black and white.
 This one was 50 cents less than her just because it has a chip. Who cares?
 She looks right at home next to another dog I had. I might give her a little "hair coloring" to match the other dog.
My latest crochet project is for my sister-in-law's partner. I tried crocheting while watching American Horror Story and ended up having to rip out three rows! Was paying more attention to the TV instead of counting stitches!
Stay dry and warm!



Sharon Marie said...

I know what you mean about misspelled words although in this case, maybe they're taking cash, checks, everything except credit cards. Just joking. Love the graphghan you're making. I'll be starting one next month after we close up our house for the winter and head south.

hooksandyarns said...

Signs like that in stores bug me too - you'd think that somebody working there would know better.
Awesome find with that baby quilt.
Your graphgan is looking great. :)

Gramma Rita said...

I'm with you on the "excepting" credit cards. Makes me cringe! lol And, really? Fifty cents for the quilt that just needs some finishing touches? Wowzers!! :)