Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Turn Off Word Verification!

I have seen this request posted several times by different bloggers and so now I am requesting it. Please turn off the word verification setting! It's easy to do, just go to "Settings" and open the "Comments" tab. Scroll down until you see "word verification". Click "No" and save. That's all there is too it. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.


deebriese said...

Isnt that to keep away spam?

Linda @ A La Carte said...

It is suppose to keep spam away, but I don't have it and I do not get spam! It makes commenting so much easier! I think we need a partay to stop the word verification!

muhammadrazzaq said...

Isnt that to keep away sphttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/_UHDn_n7CKjM/TFbKS3NJT9I/AAAAAAAAB_g/vJotIirQV7Q/S220/Charlotte.jpgam?

- said...

I don't have it nor do I get spam, and I just love going to blogs who don't have it!