Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Slim Pickins!

Saturday yard sales were few and far between today. It was just my sister, Pam, and I this morning and with the car all to ourselves, we hoped we would fill it up. But it was not meant to be. We only found a few things to bring home. Two Uncle John's Bathroom Readers for $1......
 Paper towel holder 50 cents, glass vase $2, shelf $1, 10 hunting DVDs $7, and a doily for 50 cents..
 I have made this doily before in several colors.
 Two hanging planters and one with feet for $1.50....
 A birdhouse for my flower bed  $1......

But the best deal was found at the trash dump! A man was going to throw these 10 windows away but gave them to me just for asking!!!!! Score!
I don't know just yet what I am going to do with them but I told him he could get at least $25 apiece at a craft show!
I've finished making the blocks for the log Cabin afghan and have joined them. I'll start working on the border tonight.
Looks like a storm is brewing! We could use the rain!
Hope you have a great weekend!



hooksandyarns said...

Nice stuff - I love that doily. We had a storm last night - it scared the crap out of my dogs. Have a good day. :)

Kate said...

Good finds! The Bathroom readers are great, and the birdhouse is cute.
The windows would make nice photo frames for the wall.
I hope the storm wasn't too bad; it's been raining here all day.