Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Monday, July 2, 2012

When it rains, it pours!

Remember last week when I asked, "What next"? Well, it's gotten worse! First, my brother-in-law was bitten by a copperhead!
He's OK but had to stay overnight at the hospital. His dogs woke him up barking and he stepped out onto his porch and was bit. Makes you shudder, doesn't it?
Now, here is the worse.......our AC quit last night! We slept with a fan in the window and one at the foot of the bed. Thank God the storm that went through last night cooled it off a little. The repairman said the board shorted out and it will be possibly tomorrow before it can be fixed. Ugh! This is what I look like right now :-)

I guess I'll just have to stay in the pool today (wink,wink). Hope you are staying cool!



Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

OH, you have had a weird week! Hope your brother in law is doing okay! Love the photo of the basset...we have had three wonderful bassets in the past and their ears were something else! Thanks so much for stopping by to say hi! I really appreciate it! Hope it cools down even more for you...we are sweltering here, too!

glor said...

Ewwww, poor brother-in-law. I hate snakes! Makes me shudder. Glad he's ok. Hope you're keeping cool and the A/C is restored quickly.

byhooks4u said...

Glad to hear the brother is ok..scary stuff..we found one coming out of the storm drain last year..I didn't even know we had them around here. Hopefully the repairman will get your air going quickly. Just stay cool..blessings for a better week.

Anonymous said...

I'm terrified of snakes. EWWWW!

I loved all the cartoons but am so sorry you are suffering in this horrible heat.

Unknown said...

omg , my worst fear snakes! ugh!. I am having a wave of hotness thru my body thanks to new medicine i am trying. I hate being to warm.. Makes u want to just lay in a cold shower huh? lol your posts are funny!

Keetha Broyles said...

It's even approaching 100 most days up here on the formerly frozen tundra.

hooksandyarns said...

Good to hear that your brother-in-law is ok. I hope you'll get your A/C fixed real soon. :)

Hoots Cove said...

Oh how I wish it was hot here, the weather is damp and miserable, rain on off on off. But it's not cold.
In fact I don't want to talk anymore about the UK weather x

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

So glad your brother is ok. Wow, what an ordeal he had to go through.

Sorry about the AC, hope it is fixed by now.

Wishing you a lovely day. :)

Elizabeth {sunny bug} said...

Hi Charlotte - thanks for stopping by Sunny Bug and sharing your sweet words. First, I hate snakes. I got the chills just looking at it and trying frantically to scroll past that pic :)

I see you blog about yard sales. I actually just started a new series called Thrift Tips and the first post is garage/yard sale basics. I'd love for you to share some of your strategy secrets. I'll link back to your blog (as a little thanks from me to you!). Talk soon - Liz

Soleil said...

Thank you, Charlotte!
Happy 4th July to you as well!
Have a sunny day!
Olga :)

Angela said...

We have had several close encounters with copperheads here -- all right around the house -- but no one has gotten bit yet. Yikes! My dad in Tennessee was without power for two or three days last week -- no fun.