Boy, it was humid yesterday, but Pam and I still went yard saling. We managed to find a few goodies. The yarn was free, the daisy tin was 25 cents, the deer stein was 50 cents (going to Gavin), and the Swisher Sweet cigar box was 25 cents. I bought the cigar box because my daddy used to smoke these.
The Lance jar was my most expensive buy, $25. You just don't find those very often. I wish it had the lid. The cross-stitch fabric was 25 cents!
These gun key chains were 25 cents each.
They are knifes when you pull back the hammer that cocks the trigger.
A pair of sheers $5 and a couple of books 25 cents each.
A box of Workbasket magazines dating from 1970 to 1985 for $3. There really wasn't any good crochet patterns in them. :-( Weaving loom 25 cents and gold thread 25 cents.
Small plastic clipper ship for 10 cents.
Ornament hangers 10 cents each, clown 25 cents, Grand Ole Opry ashtray (?) $1.
Hooter's sweatshirt $5 and two Bass Pro Shop sweatshirts $1 each.
The best yard sale we found was some friends cleaning out their aunt's home. I went across 4 lanes of the highway to turn in to this sale! Luckily there wasn't any traffic coming! Pam and I spent at least 45 minutes at this sale. This is where I bought the Lance cracker jar, the cigar box, the Workbasket magazines, the weaving loom, and the gold thread. I also got these dresser scarfs (5 cents each!) and some handkerchiefs.
One of the last yard sales we stopped at had this box of wrestling rings and 10 wrestlers for $3. Sloan has had a great time playing with them.
These are his wrestlers that he already had. They are sitting in my living room and he will sit and play with them while watching TV.
Hope today is not as humid as yesterday. I just might have to visit the pool :-). Hope you have a great Sunday and a safe and cool Labor Day.

The Lance jar was my most expensive buy, $25. You just don't find those very often. I wish it had the lid. The cross-stitch fabric was 25 cents!
These gun key chains were 25 cents each.
They are knifes when you pull back the hammer that cocks the trigger.
A pair of sheers $5 and a couple of books 25 cents each.
A box of Workbasket magazines dating from 1970 to 1985 for $3. There really wasn't any good crochet patterns in them. :-( Weaving loom 25 cents and gold thread 25 cents.
Small plastic clipper ship for 10 cents.
Ornament hangers 10 cents each, clown 25 cents, Grand Ole Opry ashtray (?) $1.
Hooter's sweatshirt $5 and two Bass Pro Shop sweatshirts $1 each.
The best yard sale we found was some friends cleaning out their aunt's home. I went across 4 lanes of the highway to turn in to this sale! Luckily there wasn't any traffic coming! Pam and I spent at least 45 minutes at this sale. This is where I bought the Lance cracker jar, the cigar box, the Workbasket magazines, the weaving loom, and the gold thread. I also got these dresser scarfs (5 cents each!) and some handkerchiefs.
One of the last yard sales we stopped at had this box of wrestling rings and 10 wrestlers for $3. Sloan has had a great time playing with them.
These are his wrestlers that he already had. They are sitting in my living room and he will sit and play with them while watching TV.
Hope today is not as humid as yesterday. I just might have to visit the pool :-). Hope you have a great Sunday and a safe and cool Labor Day.

Wow..what a great day..I think the dressers scarves were the best. It is a shame all the work one puts into making them and to end up in a garage least you will give them a good home.
Came over from the comment you left on my post. My favorite is the Lance jar - still a deal even if the top is missing. The dresser scarves were a steal!
Distressed Donna Down Home
Wow what great finds! I used to have a loom like that! I remember that box!
thanks Charlotte....I owe you one...have I said you are so sawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeet?
For every one like you & I had experienced there are 20 like you & I...good odds I would say...
ps the dresser scarves, like Vikki said, so much work and love went into them, they now have a home where they will be appreciated and cared for.... 5 can't beat that..
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