My fourteen-year-old grandson, Gavin, got his first deer of the season yesterday afternoon. He and Justin went bow-hunting on our neighbor's land and finally scored.
They don't know if one antler broke after being hit or not. This is such a esteem booster for Gavin because he has ADHD . Way to go, Gavin!

They don't know if one antler broke after being hit or not. This is such a esteem booster for Gavin because he has ADHD . Way to go, Gavin!

Congratulations to your grandson. I have deer hunters in my family too, so I know this is a big deal for Gavin. Btw, I am one of your newest followers. :)
My sister and brother -n- law are really big in hunting and I have been a few times myself....congrats to him, I know how exciting it is!!!
Deer sausage it the BEST!!!!!
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