Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cage fight!

My two parakeets starting fighting yesterday so bad that blood was drawn! I had to borrow another cage from Pam and separate them.
The female was the aggressor.................
 ....................and the poor male took a beating.................
 Look at the blood on the mineral bar! The female has blood on her but I think it came from the male.
Does anyone else have parakeets and experienced this before? I searched the internet but all I found was to separate them. Any advice would be appreciated.


byhooks4u said...

I got nothing...

Unknown said...

How long have they been cage mates????? I know if you have one and then bring another in later it can cause issues, are you sure they are one of each sex???? Maybe two males???? Wow...that was bloody...:(

hooksandyarns said...

I'm not sure - unless he was bothering her and she didn't want to have anything to do with it. :)