Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas day fun

Well, it's over for another year! I hope everyone had a great Christmas. It was the first time in quite a while that all of my kids were here at one time. I woke up at 5:00 am just so I could get my coffee and read the newspaper before the chaos began. Justin and the boys got up a little later.
Here Gavin poses with his "dreads"!
 Sloan opening a gift............
 Playing with the new toy..............
 Justin wouldn't take his hat off to try the "dreads"!
 My new rocker for the porch...........
 Xander's rocking that hat, isn't he?
 Della was still sleepy.............

 ................but woke up to inspect her "stocking bag". I put so much in their stockings that I have to use bags instead of stockings!
 Maxel just sucked his thumb or chewed on his fingers.......

 Kayla enjoyed rocking Maxel.....

 Justin and Rodney were snacking..............
 Opening gifts................

Della and Xander loved their Plasma cars!

 Down the hall they went........

I can now show my crochet projects! I made all of the women a Chevron purse. These are so addicting and easy to make!

 This is Mother's.............
............and this is mine..............
Della enjoyed playing with Olivia's dolls......
 My sister, Tammy, rocked Maxel to sleep.........
 Della wants to play with Grandma's flashlight.............

 Mother gave the little girls a 'handkerchief doll"......

 Right now, I have already taken a shower, got my feet propped up, cup of hot tea, and watching TV while I 'surf the web'. Have a great Christmas night!


1 comment:

Shirley said...

Merry Christmas, Family Christmas is so much fun and like you I am glad when it is over. We still have one more day to go with our oldest coming in Saturday. So much fun to watch the little ones. Have a wonderful new year. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri friend Shirley