Welcome to my blog about yard sales, crochet, my family and my life. A yard sale map in one hand and a crochet hook in the other.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday Finds

Pam and I went to a couple of yard sales this morning after I took Sloan to school. The first yard sale was a "man's" yard sale because they had several guns, ammunition, arrows, knives, tools, etc. I called Justin and he was headed to Charlotte but he turned around and he was in heaven when he got there. Pam got a 1955 Mad magazine and I bought this 1994 Barbie mug. $2.
We left Justin drooling over the guns and went to another yard sale. The next yard sale was such a good sale that we circled the tables several times. I found this Statue of Liberty (middle one) for 25 cents...
....sweet kittens for 25 cents....
....and a Geisha girl for 25 cents...........
A bath mat for $2...........
Bottle brush trees for $1..............
Four picture frames 25 cents each.......
But my best find after circling the tables and thoroughly searching all boxes and moving things aside.......drum roll please......... a York High School Green Dragon blanket! My alma mater!
$4 but I would have paid $10! 
See, it pays to check the ads and watch for signs!


1 comment:

Gramma Rita said...

Very nice haul today! :) Did Justin come away from "his" sale with anything...or did he stick with drooling?! ;) lol