Last month we had temperatures in the 80's. I kept saying that winter was not over and today Mother Nature proved me right! 37 degrees and snowing!!

And to make matters worse, we lost an hour of sleep due to daylight savings time! Who's the moron that said that was a good idea??
I'm just going to stay inside where it's warm and dry, watch TV, and crochet. I finished making bunny rabbits for a friend and was lost as to what to do next. I started this pattern, but I'm not in love with it.
Pam and I went to visit mother yesterday. At 10 o'clock, she still hadn't been bathed and was still in the bed! I do not like this facility at all! After we left, we stopped at a couple of thrift stores and Goodwill. Bad time of the day for Goodwill! Too many people!! I did find a couple of goodies at the first thrift store. A ceramic rabbit for 50 cents and a parakeet tray for $1!
I googled the tray when I got home and found out that it was the lid for a tin produced by the Sunshine Biscuit Co. in 1974. There was also one with woodpeckers at the store and I wish I had gotten it now! Maybe it'll still be there when I go back!
I finally got the dinosaur working that I bought a couple of weeks ago at Goodwill for $9.99. I had to buy a charger, remote, and new battery.
Declan and Xander loved it but Josh was scared. I haven't shown Della and Maxel yet.
That's it for now. Stay safe and warm!

Mother Nature has definitely been interesting this winter. We've had so many spring days this winter, but then it'll turn around and be all wintry and blustery. We're supposed to be getting some snow between tonight and Wednesday morning. Lots of inches by the sounds of things. I love your new crochet project. Very pretty! And that parakeet plate is so pretty. Hope you're able to get the woodpecker one when you go back...would love to see a pic of it. :)
We stopped in at the thrift store this morning and the tray was still there. But it just didn't speak to me like the other one did, so I left it!
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